What are the 4 transport security measures?
Transportation safety is vital to the overall health, status, and well-being of both the cargo and the personnel delivering it.
The primary goal of measuring the transport service is to improve safety and security. Vehicle crashes and fatalities have a major impact on the safety and well-being of the drivers using the transportation system. This is the same when it comes to cargo monitoring.
In cargo monitoring, logistics management safety has a direct impact on a company’s competitiveness and has, thus, become a central issue for corporate strategies. Product theft and product damage resulting from accidents or mishandling during storage or transport caused not only financial loss for the companies involved in the supply chain but also delays in their manufacturing or commercial operations.
Because of this, safety is a key issue to ensure the efficiency and fulfillment of logistics management, when seen as the measures we take to detect and mitigate risks and threats and to improve the protection and handling of goods.
It is important to make sure there are no thefts, product loss, or damages to packaging due to mishandling during storage and transportation.
By implementing transportation service measurements, it requires these four considerations:
- Procedural security measures. This measure ensures that the introduction and removal of cargo from the supply are recorded and can be verified. A similar process applies to passenger transportation where the manifest of conveyances such as airplanes and trains is monitored. It also includes the various measures along the transport chain to maintain security, such as cargo and passenger monitoring.
- Physical security measures. This ensures that the infrastructures, namely the modes and terminals, are secure in terms of access.
- Employee security measures. This measure ensures that the personnel involved, from management to cargo handling, have been screened and subjected, depending on the sensitivity of the concerned transportation modes, to background checks.
- Information systems security measures. Since the data involved in the management of the supply chain has a commercial value, it is important that the information and telecommunication systems are secure. Additionally, a tier access structure to the information must be established based upon which information is relevant to whom.
These four measures were enumerated in the Geography of Transport Systems by Jean-Paul Rodrigue (2020). One of these measures includes security equipment, such as camera surveillance.
One greatest move for companies that deliver the cargo to their clients is putting cameras to ensure that the cargo is safely delivered to their clients.
MVI, Inc. has been a leader in the automotive camera industry and strives to stay current with the most recent and best camera technology available for on the road, everyday driving activities.
From GPS systems for transport vehicles to camera surveillance, we ensure your cargos’ safety at all times.
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